Quora Education Center

Little Canada, MN

Quora Education Center

The Quora Education Center was specially designed to meet the needs of students who learn best in a safe environment, free from the auditory and visual distractions found in the original school. LSE Architects led a two year study to find the corrective measures necessary to provide the students with a more appropriate learning space. Results of this study showed that the old facility had extremely poor acoustics, a lack of privacy and dignified space, forced or unplanned interaction with incompatible students, visitors and programs.

The new building addresses these issues by including more flexible learning spaces for small groups and one-on-one instruction, more natural lighting and sensory rooms, and features soft, movable and teen friendly furniture.




Little Canada, MN



  • YEAR : 2018
  • LOCATION : Little Canada, MN
  • CATEGORY : Education